Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D

Our body produces vitamin D naturally when we expose to sunlight, that's why it is also called a sunshine vitamin. Let's talk more about it.


Amna Sadaf

3 min read

I am a person who always prefers natural sources for the consumption of vitamins. Eating oranges while sitting in the sunlight is the most favorite part of my day during winters. This thing always fascinates me that besides a healthy and balanced diet, we can get an essential vitamin from the sun. Which one is this? Yes, you are guessing right. I am indicating towards vitamin D, which is also called the sunshine vitamin. Our body produces vitamin D naturally when we expose to sunlight, do you find this fact interesting? But I find it and this is the motive behind writing this article. So I gathered very useful information from research to share with you. Let’s talk about it.

Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D
Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D

What sunshine vitamin does with us.

This sunshine vitamin enables our bodies to absorb calcium. Vitamin D is not only important for the growth and development of our bones and teeth, but it also improves our immunity. It helps in reducing the possibilities of infectious diseases such as the flu.

~.          Vitamin D helps in reducing depression. We may experience anxiety due to its deficiency.

~.          If you are making an effort for weight loss, then keep intake of vitamin D. A study has revealed that vitamin D boosts weight loss, as it has “appetite-suppressing effects”.

~.          Vitamin D is considered good for the health of your heart.

~.          Its deficiency may lead to tiredness, muscle pain, and weak bones.

Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D
Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D

A darker complexion needs more vitamin D.

Different research studies have concluded that a darker complexion of skin needs more vitamin D as compared to a lighter one. Melanin gives our skin pigmentation; a darker complexion means having more melanin, which causes less synthesis of vitamin D directly from sunlight. So the person of dark skin tone has to take more sun exposure for the consumption of vitamin D as compared to the person of lighter skin color.

Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D
Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D

Limited food sources of vitamin D.

Have you ever heard about fortified with vitamin D milk, yogurt, and bread?? It means vitamin D has been added to these food items.

There are small numbers of foods that contain this vitamin. Some of these are:

  • Oily fish – such as salmon, and sardines.

  • Liver

  • Egg yolks

  • Red meat

As food sources are limited, so daily intake of vitamin D supplements is advised for coping with its deficiency.

Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D
Let’s talk about sunshine vitamin D

Bottom line.

The main natural source of vitamin D is sunshine, which makes our direct connection with nature. But don’t forget to wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 before making this connection because the harmful rays of the sun may cause skin cancer. If you find any symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, then before taking its supplements ask your physician first.

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