5 Motivating Ways to Get Up Early in the Morning

These 5 motivating ways to get up early are for those who don’t sleep well at night and find it difficult to leave the bed in the morning.


Amna Sadaf

3 min read

We all know that when we go early to sleep, then we rise early... When we have 7 to 9 hours of sleep, then we get up early… When we have a good sleep at night, then chances are high that we up early in the morning... All these are ideal situations for being a morning person. But what if you don’t sleep well or your sleeping hours are less than 6??? In this case, it seems difficult to get yourself up from a bed, early in the morning... DIFFICULT, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE… You can be a morning person... You can enjoy the all productivity of the morning routine... You can absorb the positive vibes from a morning breeze. Your question would be…. How? So I am going to share 5 motivating ways to get up early for those who don’t sleep well at night and find it difficult to leave the bed in the morning.

1      Set only One Alarm.

This is the common mistake that we usually make; we set more than one alarm for waking up in the morning. Whether we set 5 alarms or 3, the effective one is the last beep. So be practical and set only one alarm. In this way, we direct our mind to be alert immediately when it rings.

2 Do not Click the Snooze Button.

Another mistake that we do is, clicking the snooze button. Avoid the snooze button if you want to leave your bed early in the morning.

5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
3 Having A Morning Plan Of Action.

Before going to bed, prepare your mind that you have to do certain immediate tasks after waking up. You could include a basic morning routine as a plan of action, such as make your bed, brush your teeth, go for a walk or do meditation, take a healthy breakfast while reading any motivational book or newspaper, etc., etc. You can add whatever you prefer.

The benefit of having a morning plan of action is, it gives you an urge to start your day.

5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
4     Check Your Mood before Falling Asleep

It might sound insane, but it’s an effective practice. . You could be fresh and motivated for leaving your bed in the morning, even after 3 hours of sleep. It depends upon how passionate you were last night for the upcoming morning. When you sleep in an off mood, then might be possible you wake up groggy.

So check your mood before falling asleep and share your experience, whether it works or not, in the comment section.

5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
5     Don’t Use the Mobile Phone after Waking up.

What we do usually when we open our eyes in the morning??? We pick up the mobile phone and check Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc., etc,…

Start scrolling social media notifications on the phone, might be a reason for being groggy and inactive in the morning. Try to avoid your mobile phone at least for the first hour of your morning, you would feel the difference later positively and productively.

Productive in a way that you would feel less distracted and more action-oriented without losing your time.

Positive in a way that you would feel peace of mind and motivated when you start your day by focusing on yourself only.

5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
5 motivating ways to get up early in the morning
Bottom Line.

These motivating ways to get up early from bed, are enabling you to enjoy the zeal and dynamics of a morning routine. But don’t neglect the quality of your sleep along with this.

How do you motivate yourself for leaving a bed in the morning?? Share your tips in the below section. Thanks for READING :)