Well-being for new normal 2021.

The new year 2021, seems promising cause we have been moving towards a new normal life. So why not cultivate this life with some of those practices which could prepare our wellbeing to adjust to any sudden change and unpredicted challenges.


Amna Sadaf

4 min read

January 2021 is about to end, if I go one year back, nobody could assess what the year of double twenty was bringing to us. We all have experienced uncertainty, failure of plans, the success of unplanned goals, fear of disease, ride on the emotional roller coaster, hassles of lockdown, etc, etc… the list is so long. Similarly, we have learned many things from our unexpected experiences in 2020. To some extent, our lives have been transformed according to our perceptions about this pandemic. But the best thing about last year is we are survived. Though we are still living in a pandemic situation and hoping that the invented vaccine will end covid-19. The new year 2021, seems promising cause we have been moving towards a new normal life. So why not cultivate this life with some of those practices which could prepare our wellbeing to adjust to any sudden change and unpredicted challenges.

wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021

Things to leave.

As 2020 has said goodbye to us. Time is meant to pass. Have you ever noticed that after living 12 months of each passing year we remained unsatisfied with our lives?... This is because we tend to carry blunders in our well-being emotionally and physically while stepping into every new year. If we quit those attitudes which are affecting our welfare negatively, before leaving the last moments of any year, then life will feel more stress-free, blessed, and kind. I have comprised those things generally which we have to leave or reconsider at the beginning of 2021.

1. Leave “can’t.”

“I can't do this”… “This can't be possible”… “I can't achieve this goal”… “I can't face this situation”… “No, I can’t”…

How much time we use the “can’t” word in our thoughts and conversation. And this “can’t” pushes us back gradually in our lives. Believe this, if you leave the word ”can't” from your life, then possibilities automatically make their existence.

wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021

2. Leave self-doubts.

Am I capable of this opportunity?.. Am I doing this perfectly?... Should I take this decision or not?.. etc. All these self-doubts are nothing but just keep you fixed in a situation and not allow you to move forward.

Evaluating your potential is a good thing for better performance but when these doubts are giving you just a lack of confidence and wastage of opportunities then the best way is to bring yourself out from these.

3. Leave comparing with others.

So another mistake we do is, comparing ourselves with others. Just keep this thing in your mind that you are a different person. When your problems, situation, sufferings, abilities, courage, and blessings are different from another individual then what is the point left to waste your energy in comparing yourself with others... Mind it, my dear readers.

4. Leave a toxic relationship.

It can be with a person or with your work, if a relationship is harming your dignity and personal growth then simply leave it. Stay away from those people who have negative impacts on your peace of mind. Similarly, if you are doing such a job that is not according to your potential and your abilities are suffering, switch it.

wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021

Become a non-toxic person.

While writing on “leave a toxic relationship”, I am focusing on to quit such connections. But what about that negativity, we are holding in ourselves???? It ruins our contentment too. Here are a few tips for becoming a non-toxic person.

  • Be supportive to others.

  • Take responsibilities of your faults and actions.

  • Be humble to others.

  • Be grateful.

  • Think before reacting to a situation and to people.

  • Don’t make everything an issue with your pessimistic perceptions.

  • Take care of the peace of mind of others too.

Reinvent yourself

A new year, a new beginning, and a new normal life, then why we are the same??? It’s the right time to nurture your qualities and attitudes for meeting better you.

  • Sleep well and wake up early.

  • Eat healthily and think positively.

  • Prioritize your tasks and commit to your goals.

  • Learn from your mistakes and don’t be afraid of new experiences.

  • Keep polishing your relevant skills.

  • Attach yourself to the right people.

Life is too short to live, too tricky to handle, too fast to catch up. By nurturing better wellbeing in a new normal, we can make life better, not only for ourselves but for others too.

Thanks for reading.

wellbeing for new normal 2021
wellbeing for new normal 2021
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