Hierarchy of Organized Meaning in CMM

The hierarchy of organized meaning helps us understand how complex communication is and how multiple factors influence our interpretation of messages. This means that our understanding of a communication event is influenced by multiple layers of context. These layers, or levels of meaning, are interconnected and influence each other.


9/2/20241 min read

Hierarchy of Organized Meaning in CMM.
Hierarchy of Organized Meaning in CMM.

Hierarchy of Organized Meaning in CMM.

Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) posits that meaning is constructed in a hierarchical manner. This means that our understanding of a communication event is influenced by multiple layers of context. These layers, or levels of meaning, are interconnected and influence each other.

Levels of the Hierarchy

The hierarchy of organized meaning in CMM includes the following levels:

* Content Level: This is the most basic level, referring to the literal meaning of the message. It is the explicit information conveyed.

* Speech Act Level: The intended meaning of the message is the main emphasis of this level. It is about what the speaker is trying to accomplish through the communication.

* Episode Level: This level refers to the situation or context in which the communication occurs. It includes the purpose and rules governing the interaction.

* Relationship Level: This level involves the nature of the relationship between the communicators. It includes shared history, roles, and expectations.

* Life Scripts Level: This level encompasses individuals' personal histories and self-concepts. Their life experiences, values, and beliefs are all included.

* Cultural Patterns Level: This is the broadest level, encompassing the shared beliefs, values, and norms of a culture.

Understanding the Hierarchy.

It's important to note that these levels are not isolated but interconnected. A change at one level can influence meaning at other levels. For instance, a misunderstanding at the content level might escalate into a conflict at the relationship level.

The hierarchy of organized meaning helps us understand how complex communication is and how multiple factors influence our interpretation of messages. By considering these different levels, we can gain a deeper understanding of how meaning is created and shared in interactions.